Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Tires

signifying a
new time
a new kind of trip
travel to a destination that i know well
and that knows me
new roads
to be discovered
unpaved and a little rocky
but my shit
is all-terrain baby.

that's right.

uncharted territory
doesn't scare me
that's where i find myself to be
most of the time

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


(Big Fat Grin.)



Saturday, November 7, 2009

I want

to dig up all the dark places
and plant seeds of light.


i come to the page empty handed, again
but i know now
that i am born from fire,
to be burned to ash to be born again
so i don't worry about it
so much
on this quiet afternoon

porch-sitting is one of my favorite things to do.

it has been an interesting autumn
so far
full of unexpected turnings
of collecting all the garbage
and composting
what's worth keeping,
of further lessons in resiliency
and levity
and buoyancy