Wednesday, January 29, 2014


mist now, really
but my pores are desperate thirsty opening wide
to absorb
as much moisture from the air
as is there
the earth too creaks open I can feel her soily skin
around me
breathing in

Friday, January 17, 2014

New Dawn, New Day

I wake
from dreaming

of giving birth to my self
Precious dark haired little girl
the umbilical cord stretching out, bridging
the worlds between us
I know she is coming, but I am alone
no one around to assist in this midwifing-
but she is here Now,
and so I squat
and catch her in my own arms

I catch her in my own arms

I catch her
in my own arms

she doesn't cry
we look into each others' eyes
and the corners
of her small mouth turn
to smile.