Thursday, February 21, 2013

big guns and little dresses

alone, here
at the country coffee shop
so far outta town, that everybody's local
except, maybe, for me
never local, never known, never home

i am waltzing
down corridors of memory-
kicking up dust-piles of days
peering into corners
questioning cracks and crevices,
cause some crazy-coyote-counselor lady
told me
to start digging

turning away
from shadows, from self
has kept my red-shoes tapping
has kept time to rhythms of pain and patterning
pushing away
all that is too pitiful
too poor and lonely
too vulnerable
to bare
to bear
in the glaring light of day

so, today
hand me a shovel,
a trowel,
high boots and pen,
and let the
digging dance


  1. A conversation with self in the light of dark. I love you my daughter I love you my son for you are my beauty and I am yours. you are every creative action I take for you are action. I love you mother. you are my nourishment of love that you receive from and also give to my heavenly father. I love you father for you are the fertilization of my heavenly mother which permeates every cell of her and you with every cell of her. Correction is sacred as are mistakes. Adapt, forgive and have mercy. Be humble, be compassionate. Turn on the light! Read what has been written thus far. You are everything. Keep your family strong! for We need you! We are you! We are I! We must understand Ourself as I! I want to play! I want to play as I work and work as I play. All of my so called imperfections are sacred. They are necessary for perfection which makes them perfect. Who are They? They are We. Who are We? We are I. I love you Truth. You are what Is and I Am! I Am the Truth! When one acts in love than one becomes Love then ego vanishes. Love becomes your nourishment. Love becomes your life. I Am Love and the creator of Love. I Am the creator of All. And All is the creator of me. I exist in all of creation. My eye is in the center of All that Is. My infinite center is All that Is. And outside my center my center exists as well. My consciousness has asked every question that has ever been asked. I perceive my creation from every vantage point for I Am every vantage point. Father I love You. Your love pours over me like a tropical shower. I follow in your footsteps in the sand as You look back at Me and discover Me as You, You remember. You see your Father in Me. Our spirit merges with the One that Is! Mother, I love you. Your love encloses me like the soil does an earthworm. You know that I Am an extension of you. Great Love! I love You! You are my grandfather and Grandmother you father my mother and my father. I love you Truth for you are the creator of all that Is. The left and the right and every place in between. Like a circle, you are the center. You are the line. You are the space within and you are the space outside. Now, All of that is Here. I Am All of That. I Am Here. Out of all humility for All that Is, I Am. Oh Brother and Sister, how great We Are! Be like the eagle and harness the power of the storm to lift you higher. Have the courage to look fear in the eyes and say thank you for being my sparring partner. Fear arises out of ignorance, misunderstanding, confusion, disorientation. Fear stems from our lusts and passions. The fear of losing what we are so passionate about. The fear of being judged. The fear of being possessed. If we direct that same passion towards the Truth we will receive eternal bliss. For the truth remains. Do experiment. That is why you have a body. Observe you thoughts in tranquility. Observe others with compassion. Other people are your mirror which can reflect even the most hidden parts of You. Now, use this awareness to recognize what you want to transform. Continue to evolve in your ascension. Sometimes transgression is necessary to your path of experience before you continue forward again. Sometime suffering is necessary to melt away the plaque that makes you bitter. Remember who you Are. Pray for great patience. Enjoy your life. If you can forgive than you are free. Do not be driven by jealousy, hate, deceit, but throw these into the fertile compost heap which transmutes this energy into beneficial nutrients. Strive for balance. Be Master and Servant in One. For the Servant is the Master of humility and Humility is Greatness. Do your work not for money, but for Love. Love is All you need. Love will shelter You, Love will feed You, Love will care for You in every way that you need. It is not bad to accept money, but do not worry about it for when it is received and given with Love then money too becomes Love. Put your faith in the Truth that speaks to and from your heart and You shall be blessed. You are the Great One. Share, receive, share, receive, share

  2. It's our necessary and worthwhile work. xo, Deb
