Monday, November 17, 2008


I have had a recent burst of writing. I am writing with more authority in my voice than I have ever heard. And it is flowing so naturally.
Pretty incredible.
I might post some of it here, right now it still feels too fresh. Hot and steaming from the oven, not yet ready to be digested. I'm gonna let it cool and decide then.

Today I am feeling worn. Worn down, worn out. Severely dragging in the energy department. I need to be paying more attention to my body and give it some TLC. Healthy food, lots of water, and a hot epsom salt bath for me. Sigh.

Tonight I'm going to hear China Galland speak. She's a writer whose work I respect greatly. She wrote The Bond Between Women: A Journey to Fierce Compassion, which I had started on my own and finished during the course of the Women's Spirituality class I took last semester.
I am hoping, with all of my heart, that it is the Breath of Inspiration that I need. That I will be moved, even to tears, and my spirit will be lifted. I'm sure it will be amazing. Really, I'm just excited to be surrounded by some powerful, dynamic Women.