Friday, May 1, 2009


I was just about to give myself a good ass-kicking for having accomplished absolutely nothing today. I mean, truly- nothing.
I stayed inside all day.
My only attempt at getting dressed was to put on a royal blue skirt over my purple and teal-striped pj pants and a green sweater over the purple halter dress I had worn to bed. (Looking myself over now, I think in my grouchy morning stupor I may have actually been mocking the very idea of leaving the house). I half-watched half a movie. I ate awful chili out of a can. I moped and felt generally sorry for myself most of the day. I'm not proud to admit it, but there it is.

And I was about to really get down on myself about it when I realized that actually, I did accomplish something today. I wrote a new song.
I worked on it off and on all day. And I found that even when I wasn't sitting down with the guitar playing- it was still very present. I would catch myself humming the melody or needing to run for paper and pen to write down new ideas and lyrics.

And I'm really happy with it.
Pretty cool.

And I guess, If I needed to take a day to just check-out in order to labor and give life to a new song, so be it. The act of creation is always a little messy, is it not?


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