Friday, May 1, 2009

This Morning

I woke with only a half hour of the morning left. Trying to sleep away sickness.
I woke up, unsure of where I was, whose floor I was on.
Such scattered dreams, my mom, my uncle, friends from the Road- some regulars, some unexpected- uninvited and recurring. Not in a bad way, just perplexing.
There were fragments of a Bon Iver song floating in my waking moments, Re:Stacks. Haunting.
I woke with words in my mouth so I rushed to a pen and paper to get them out, to get them down. Guitar. A broken, half-written song trying to stretch it's wings. If Bon Iver met Anais Mitchell met a lonely homesick girl, thrown from bed by such feverish dreams.

And I am always amazed at my ability to be a walking contradiction, almost constantly.
I came across a plea scrawled in my notebook,
"Sometimes I wish that I wanted just one thing."


  1. "Sometimes I wish that I wanted just one thing." You can have everything you want
    just not all at once. jus-cru-sin

  2. Dammit!
    It's that Patience thing again, isn't it?

    ha. :) thanks, Joe.

  3. Patience

    I am waiting
    Though not in stillness as I wait
    I am hoping
    Though not in despair as I hope
    I am dreaming
    Though not in darkness as I dream
    I am longing
    Though not in emptiness as I long
    I am trying
    Though not in futility as I try
    I am learning
    Though not in ignorance as I learn
    I am becoming
    Though not in nothing as I become
    I am being
    While eternity teaches me patience
    Tina louise---------Jus-cru-sin

  4. The audacity of patience...
