Sunday, December 14, 2008

Salman Rushdie

"For a long while I believed that in every generation there are a few souls, call them lucky or cursed, who are simply born not belonging. Who came into the world semi-detached, if you like, without strong affiliation to family, or location, or nation, or race. That there may even be millions or billions of such souls, as many Non Belong-ers as Belong-ers, perhaps. That in some the phenomenon may be as natural a manifestation of human nature as it's opposite. But one that has been mostly frustrated throughout human history by lack of opportunity.

And not only by that. For those who value stability, who fear transience, uncertainty, change- have erected a power system of stigmas and taboos against rootlessness, that disruptive anti-social force. So that we mostly conform. We pretend to be motivated by loyalties and solidarities we do not really feel. We hide our secret identities beneath the false skins of those identities that bear the Belong-er's seal of approval.

But the truth leaks out in our dreams."