Friday, February 20, 2009

Here, Once More.

It seems the more searching, the more seeking- the more questions I find. So few answers lately.

Tonight, this poem speaks to me once again.


I must love the questions
as Rilke said
like locked rooms
full of treasure
to which my blind
and groping key
does not yet fit.

and await the answers
as unsealed
mailed with dubious intent
and written in a very foreign

and in the hourly making
of myself
no thought of Time
to force, to squeeze
the space
I grow into.

(Alice Walker)

I hiked last night in the Umpqua National Forest by the light of the stars...I cannot describe that kind of Beauty, do not dare to try to regurgitate it into words.

I can only experience it with every fiber of my being.

And be filled with gratitude and awe at being so very Alive.

Tonight, I am full and empty and yearning.