Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I made it to WA!

I write now, accompanied by what is quite possibly the largest mug of coffee I have ever seen. My fingers don't touch while cupping it with both hands! Ridiculous.
It also is some of the best coffee- from Dave's personal stash of New Guinea beans. Yum.

The truck is still running well. She's gotten me this far, which is really all I ever expected or asked of her. :) Hooray!

I'm just settling in here, but I am ECSTATIC about the possibilities this house holds for me...Dave has created what he calls, The Recording Cube, a wood-framed structure, completely covered with sheets of insulation made from recycled denim. Amazing. He's given the go ahead for me to turn it into my "Creative Cave" for the next few days!! I can't wait. I'm going to finally get to all the old journals and notebooks and writing and read through them all!
After I've emerged from said Cave, we're going to use it for what it's really for...recording! He showed me some tracks of his music that he's recorded in there, and it sounds beautiful. I'm really looking forward to having recordings of my newer songs.


Good to be here. Though admittedly, Seattle does not compare with the atmosphere and vibe of Portland. I might just stay in the house for the next few weeks! :)

I need some good re-charge, hibernation time. Some time for the seeds that have been planted to be nurtured and to grow. My extroverted-self was well cared for in OR, and now my introverted-self needs some love and attention. And I am more than happy to give it.

Amor y Paz a todos-