Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Day We've All Been Waiting For...

I rolled out of bed, staggered my way, zombie-like, to the shower with half-closed eyes, not fully awake.

When I came out of my room the news was on. It was only then that I realized what day it was.

Holy shit.

In a few short hours we will be fully rid of the Bush administration. We will have a new President, with a new perspective, ideas, ideals. I have many thoughts on this fine morning. And I do try to have as much compassion as humanly possible when talking about others, even Bush. But on this morning, I fear I must put that aside for one moment and express what I am feeling unfiltered and uninhibited....

IT"S OVER SUCKAS!!! Ahhhahahaha!! GET OUT!
(*to be accompanied by slightly maniacal laughter and a dancing jig of glee.)

Whoooohooooo! Cheers!