Sunday, January 11, 2009

Esperando....Waiting. Hoping.

My heart is full of such aching tonight. I am packing and preparing for the drive ahead of me tomorrow. I am so worried for my Sister and for my family there. I feel helpless to help them. I hope my presence is enough- it's all I have to give, it's all that I can do.

My communication skills tonight are squat. To those I've interacted with, or who have had to interact with me- I apologize, profusely.

I have to leave my pup behind (or else he faces a three week quarantine to get back into the country) which also hurts my heart. How quickly we've become fast friends. He has saved me as much as I have him.

Please pray for me- strength, comfort, courage, and a deep well of compassion and tenderness to give from. I get so angry and indignant and outraged at the relations/situation on the border. The pain and suffering caused by such an insurmountable obstacle- that separates families and loved ones and limits the possibilities and opportunities of so many people. It cuts me to the core.

I believe that Strength comes as we need it- and truly I have been amazed at myself and the resiliency that has shown itself in these last few weeks. But tonight, I feel weak and helpless. Overwhelmed.

It is hardest to Trust in times such as these- in the dark, with so much unknown. But I am trying.

Mi Dios,
oye mi oracion.
Te pido, con toda mi fuerza, con cada fibra de mi ser-
que se cuida a mi familia y a mi hermana.
Que los proteja, que los comforta, y que todo sale bien.
Te doy gracias por esta Vida tan preciosa.
Te amo.