Thursday, January 8, 2009

Of Late.

the stains
my bleeding heart
has poured out on the floor
have become my palette.
so now
I paint in ochre
and umber
brilliant vermillion
and the deepest scarlet

I paint with the brushstrokes
of all my Sorrow-
I paint upon the page
my very Heart
breaking open.

I Am Alive.

I am full of such sensation, such feeling, such emotion.
The raw, fiery power of Creation, Herself.

I Am Kali.
I Am Hekate.
I Am Owl, Wolf, Maiden, Mother, Crone.

I Am I. She That Is.

I have borne that pain
which I thought unbearable.
My greatest fears have come to pass,
and yet, I Am still here.

I Am breathing.
I Am pulsing.
I Am living.
I Am singing and howling and teasing.
I Am crying and shaking and healing.

I Am She Who Cried Wolf

She who left the flock-
for the Night,
for the trees,
and the unfenced Wilderness
of my own Soul.

Hearts don't belong behind padlocked gates,
or fenced areas that will keep you "safe"-

Remember the young boy who
sold his sheep
in search of his Dream?
I Am he.